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Blogs, news, e-commerce, and applications with Django and Python


Search Engine Optimization With Django


April 12, 2020

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a very complicated topic.  A website can have the best looking design and artwork, but this does not matter if there is no visibiltiy.  Here are some general tips for search engine optimization.


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Why Django?


Oct. 7, 2019

As I've indicated before, I have chosen to specialize with Django as my area of specialization.  I believe this is a underrated technology in the world of Wordpress, Wix, Drupal, and other CMS technologies.  The reason I chose this is because this isn't simply a CMS.  It is framework that can be used for many different puposes beyond the alternatives.


Morning Joe Software Logo

Welcome to my blog!


Sept. 9, 2019

This is just a short post to inform everyone who reads this about what this blog is about.  I believe I will use it to document my experiences getting a business off the ground, but I will also post tutorials and tech articles that I find interesting.  I will also use it to share news and other information with my customers.
